Ratcheting Loops
Ratcheting Loops
Custom mechanical closure components to secure your application.
Components & Assembly
- m2® 1″ Ratcheting Buckles
- Available in Stainless Steel, Aluminum, and Thermo Plastic materials
- Choice of High or Flush Release in a variety of colors
- Available in Stainless Steel, Aluminum, and Thermo Plastic materials
- m2® 1″Ladder Strap
- Available in 7″, 11″, 13″, 18″ lengths in a SOFT material
Optional Thermoplastic extension(s)
- Adds additional length to your loop for wider/larger applications
Optional Ladder Strap Retainer
- Only available on Loops with Extensions
**NOTE: Working/ Adjustable Ratcheting length of 15″/ 381mm on 1″x18″ ladder strap.